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Policies & Procedures

Tuition, Discounts, and Annual Fees

Important Tuition Information

  • Tuition is due in full each month in order to reserve your student’s place in class. Since some months will have 5 weeks of classes while other months will have 3 weeks, the extra classes received in those longer months equal the classes missed during the shorter months. We will not charge extra for months with 5 weeks and we will not discount months with 3 weeks.

  • Tuition is based on the RDA studio year and is charged in equal monthly payments

  • Tuition is due by the 3rd of every month

  • Failure to provide payment by the 8th of every month will result in an automatic $15 late fee per month

  • Tuition is non-refundable

  • If no payment has been made for 3 consecutive months, student will be dropped from class

  • Tuition Is run on the first of each every month. Any removal of classes must be requested to the office 3 days before tuition is run. Any request after this will result in only a 75% refund.

Registration Fees

  • Annual Student Registration: $35 per student

  • Annual Family Registration: $50 per family

  • This fee covers administrative work, music licensing fees, insurance, and communication costs, etc.

  • Registration fee will be added to your account upon class selection and charged with first month’s tuition

  • Registration fee is non-refundable

Recital Fees

  • Spring Recital Fee: $100

  • Recital fee includes rehearsal, choreography, recital staff, administrative work, insurance, lighting, tech crew and two tickets per family

  • Recital fee will be added to your account in January

  • Recital fee is non-refundable


  • Costumes generally cost between $75 – $110 per costume

  • Costume fee includes the appropriate tights for your dancer

  • These prices can vary depending on the type of costume ordered

  • Costume fee will be added to your account in November

  • Costumes will be held until you have a $0 account balance

  • Costume fees are non-refundable

Trial Classes

  • One free trial class per dance category for new students only

  • To sign-up for a trial class you must create a parent portal account then select the trial/drop in option for the desired class

  • Dancers may take trial classes to determine level placement from August - October of the fall semester.  After this leveled dancers (Level 1 - Level 6) must request a private evaluation to determine level placement.

Payment Methods, Billing Procedures, Due Dates, & Late Fees

Auto-Pay via Parent Portal (Studio Director)

  • We highly encourage you to enroll in auto-pay as it is the most efficient way of avoiding late fees

  • Keep your card information on file and we will run payment on the 1st of every month

  • We will inform you if your card has been declined. You will be responsible for updating your new card information on your parent portal and informing us of the change so we can run the new card for payment.

  • You can update your information at the front desk if you choose

  • If your card is replaced or expired and not updated with the studio, it will be considered late after the 8th of every month

Check or Cash

  • Check or cash for full monthly tuition amount will be due on the 1st of every month

  • Please make check payable to Rockwall Dance Academy or RDA

  • It will be considered late after the 8th of every month

  • Any returned check will result in a $35 service charge

Due Date

  • Tuition is due by the 3rd of every month

  • Failure to provide payment by the 8th of every month will result in an automatic $15 late fee per month


  • Monthly statements can be viewed through your parent portal

  • This will reflect your current balance with Rockwall Dance Academy

  • Should you have any questions regarding your statement, please speak with our front desk or send an email to

Unpaid Balances

  • If your account is delinquent after 90 days, your student will not be allowed to participate in class

  • Recital participation is contingent upon a $0 account balance

Attendance & Participation

Attendance Expectations

  • Attendance is important on a weekly basis as it will allow your child to grow and improve at quicker pace

  • Excessive absences could potentially delay promotions of students to their next level

  • Please arrive 10-15 minutes early to class to allow your child time to change, put shoes on, use the restroom, stretch, etc.


  • Excessive tardiness could potentially delay promotions of students to their next level

  • If you feel you will be more than 10-15 minutes late to class, please do a make-up class later that day or week

Make-Up Classes

  • Tuition is non-refundable. Credit will not be given to missed classes due to holidays, illness, bad weather, vacations, or personal commitments.

  • Students may do make-up classes in any class they choose at any time during the year

  • If the studio is closed for one day (Memorial Day, Labor Day, President’s Day, Easter, Columbus Day, etc.), your child will be allowed a make-up class for that week

  • Please contact the office to schedule a make-up class

  • Students must be enrolled in at least one class at RDA in order to participate in make-up classes


  • If a student sustains a serious injury that keeps them out of participation over an extended period of time, a credit or refund will be issued for the missed time only

  • A doctor’s note may be required to return to class depending on the injury

Dropped Classes/Class Changes

  • If you will be dropping a class, you must inform the front office of the change in order to be charged correctly. If no drop form is filled out, drop is not considered active.

  • If you wish to switch to a different class, you must do so by requesting the change via email to the office.

  • If you begin the month in a class and decide to drop during that month, tuition will not be refunded. Your monthly tuition will be corrected for the following month.

  • Once a class is dropped, reentry into the class is not guaranteed due to limited availability.

  • If a dancer is inquiring about a potential class change, written request from a parent or guardian must be sent in to to finalize class enrollment.

Schedule & Holidays


  • Any studio closures will be announced ahead of time

  • The schedule is subject to change

  • At least four students must be enrolled in order for a class to make


  • The studio will be closed on all major holidays and school vacations (Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Spring Break)

  • Tuition is to be paid in full during holiday months. Since some months will have 5 weeks of classes while other months will have 3 weeks, the extra classes received in those longer months equal the classes missed during the holiday months.

  • Tuition is based on the RDA studio year and is charged in equal monthly payments

  • If we are closed on a Monday due to a one-day holiday (Memorial Day, Labor Day, President’s Day, Columbus Day, etc.), students will be expected to do make-up classes for that missed day

Dress Code, Class Attire, Etiquette, & Expectations

Dress Code & Class Attire

  • Pre-K & Tiny Tots – pink skirted leo, ballet tights, ballet and tap shoes

  • Kinder Combo – Blue skirted leo, pink tights, ballet and tap shoes

  • Adv. Kinder – Black skirted leo, pink tights, ballet and tap shoes

  • Ballet – black leotard, pink tights, pink ballet shoes, and hair in a bun (booty shorts or skirts are allowed)

  • All other classes – tight fitting pants or shorts with an appropriate top (excluding hip hop)

Revolution Dancewear

  • Rockwall Dance Academy is a certified dealer for Revolution Dancewear

  • If you need any dancewear (shoes, tights, leotards, etc.), please stop by the front desk and fill out an order form or visit the “dress code” page to make an online order

  • We have sizing kits for shoes and tights at the front

  • We do keep a limited supply in stock. However, if we do not have your size, we place orders at the end of the week for delivery the following week

  • We can return items if they do not fit. However, it will take an additional week for delivery of the correct size

Lost & Found

  • We have a Lost & Found box down the hallway by the girls dressing room and restrooms

  • Rockwall Dance Academy is not responsible for any misplaced or stolen property on premise

  • Please check the Lost & Found periodically for any items that you may be missing

  • We will empty the contents of the bin each month

  • Please label anything that could get misplaced or left behind

Student Etiquette

  • Come prepared and dressed appropriately for each class

  • Be on time

  • Do not be disruptive during class with your peers

  • Please be respectful of your instructors and your peers

  • No running or horseplay while in the studio

  • Dispose of trash and please pick up after yourselves

  • Use the restroom before class begins

Parent Etiquette

  • Parents are not allowed into the rooms during class time. However, you are than welcome to watch through the viewing window or via the tv in the lobby

  • Please come inside to drop off/pick up your students, especially parents with younger children

  • Inform the studio if you will be late to pick up a student so we can plan appropriately

  • If the receptionist is out and classes are in progress, young children who are waiting on parents are allowed to sit in on the following class until their parent arrives. This will prevent them from being left alone in the lobby.

  • If you would like to schedule a conference with your child’s instructor, please speak with the front desk or email

  • We ask that you do not try to discuss important information with the instructor immediately after class as they only have a short break before the next class begins

  • Please be respectful to our instructors and office staff. If you do not agree with the way class is being directed, please schedule a conference with Emily Hatch

Class Placement

  • It is normal for students to remain at the same level for multiple years

  • Mastery of Level is to be determined by instructor

  • If student/parent is curious what they need to improve upon in order to advance to the next level, please get with instructor

  • Technique is not a skill that is acquired overnight, it comes with years of practice, discipline, appropriate attitude, proper foundation, and terminology

  • If you wish to delve into what exact skills your dancer needs to level up, you may request a student evaluation private through the office.  At this private your dancer will receive a list of the skills required with instruction as to where your dancer is for each skill

  • In April of each year we do a full student evaluation starting with our pre-k combo classes.  You will be able to review these skills and comments from your instructor in your parent portal every May.

Releases & Consent Forms

General Liability Release of Claims

  • A General Liability Release form must be signed prior to your student’s participation in class

  • This can be signed on your Parent Portal via Studio Director

  • This is in case of emergency only

Consent for Medical Treatment of a Minor

  • An Authorization for Consent to Medical Treatment of a Minor Child form must be signed prior to your student’s participation in class

  • This can be signed on your Parent Portal via Studio Director

  • This is in case of emergency only

Photography & Video Release

  • As a dance studio, we enjoy taking photos and videos of our students in order to show them off on our Facebook page, website, and on the walls of our studio

  • In order for your child to be a part of this, a Photo & Video Release form must be signed prior to your child’s participation

  • This can be signed on your Parent Portal via Studio Director

“You’re never too good to take class with someone younger or less skilled than you. And you’ll become stronger by continually revisiting the basic foundations of your training.” -Francisco Gella

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Contact Us

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How To Reach Us


Office: (469) 769-1301

Studio Cell: (469) 653-1244

*Call or Text if Outside of Front Desk Hours


2135 Ridge Road Ste. 210

Rockwall, Tx 75087

Front Desk Hours

Monday  I  9:30am-12:00pm, 3:00pm-7:30pm

Tuesday  I  9:00am-12:0pm, 3:30-7:30pm

Wednesday  I  3:30-7:00pm

Thursday  I  9:00am-12:00pm, 3:00-7:30pm

Friday, Saturday & Sunday  I  Closed


Studio Details

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